Interview with Ryan McWhorter, MD

Dr. McGlennen: Please explain how you use OralDNA® salivary diagnostics in your functional medicine practice.

Ryan McWhorter MD:  I use OralDNA® Labs’ MyPerioPath® test when I suspect or know there are sources of inflammation. The lab results are part of the evaluation for coronary heart disease treatment, joint problems, cancer support, autoimmune reversal or problems in women’s pelvic health, fertility or miscarriages.

Dr. McGlennen: What is your primary consideration when selecting a patient for OralDNA® testing?  

Ryan McWhorter MD: How serious are they at wanting to get to the bottom of their disease.

Dr. McGlennen: What do you see as the biggest benefits to using salivary diagnostics in a functional medicine practice?

Ryan McWhorter MD: It helps me know if there are unwelcome pathogens that may be severely stressing the immune system.

Dr. McGlennen: What is your favorite part of the MyPerioPath® lab report? Why?

Ryan McWhorter MD: I love the color graphic. It helps a patient see the grade or type of bacteria that are present. The red resonates with the worst ones just like their diseases will be worse with their presence. The red gets the patient jumping to solutions.

Dr. McGlennen: How do your patients respond when they see the results?

Ryan McWhorter MD: Most often patients respond with shock and they feel invaded by bacteria. Most have never seen their oral bacteria presented in such clear detail.  They also feel like “eureka” – they may have finally found a real solution to recurring health issues such as multiple miscarriages or arterial plaque that keeps progressing despite all their hard work.

Dr. McGlennen: What is your biggest challenge? How do you overcome that obstacle?

Ryan McWhorter MD: Explaining that OralDNA® Labs testing is typically not an insurance covered service.  However, my whole practice revolves around new technologies and therefore several services are not covered by insurance.

Dr. McGlennen: If a new OralDNA® provider were to ask you for advice, what would be your best tip?

Ryan McWhorter MD:  Salivary testing can be the most direct way to source why a patient continues to remain sick even with ideal care. Start testing today! It gives a direct and actionable result.

Dr. McGlennen: Where do you see salivary diagnostics in 3-5 years? 10 years? What would be the impact on your practice/patients?

Ryan McWhorter MD:    Salivary diagnostics will play a bigger role in the future with cardiologists wanting to stop plaque, rheumatologists that want to help with inflammation, and OB/GYNs that deal specifically with the ever-increasing women’s pelvic health issues.

For more information on how to become an OralDNA Provider – scan HERE: 

Ryan McWhorter MD
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