Are Tooth Extractions Getting Out of Hand?

Today, we highlight a critical message from Dr. Lee Sheldon, an experienced periodontist, who challenges common misconceptions about extractions and periodontal disease. Dr. Sheldon points out a common but misguided notion in dentistry: Periodontal disease often leads to unavoidable tooth extraction. He states, “There are way too many teeth that are being extracted...People are told ‘You've got periodontal disease, you’ve got to lose your teeth,’ or ‘You won't have enough bone...
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Why You? – Part Two

In part one, we covered the importance of defining your Unique Value Proposition (UVP) to set your practice apart in today’s competitive landscape. You learned that a strong UVP is more than a statement—it highlights the unique value your practice offers. In part two, we’ll focus on how to put that UVP into action, using practical strategies and tactics to ensure it drives your practice’s growth and success. Let’s say you like one of these previously mentioned as a UVP; communicating it e...
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Why You? – Part One

A UVP, or Unique Value Proposition, is the answer to the question a prospective patient asks: “Why should I go to your practice, rather than the other one around the corner?”  The same question might be asked by a current patient.  That question would be “Why should I stay with this practice, rather than go somewhere that might be more convenient, less expensive or takes my insurance?” The answer to these questions is the differentiating factors that set your practice apart from others.  ...
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Investing in Technologies that Help You While Helping Your Patients

I have been a dental hygienist for 12 years now; my back and neck pain started while I was in school. The assumption was that if you’re a dental professional, you will have neck and back pain. My first full time job out of school was taking over for a hygienist who had to retire after 20 years due to back problems caused from her profession. Every time I would go to the chiropractor, he would always remind me that dental professionals were one of his largest patient bases. That wasn’t very r...
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MyoMentor®: Mouth Breathing the Missing Piece

Continuous learning is essential, especially in healthcare. Although I have been a hygienist for over 30 years, it wasn’t until two and a half years ago that my understanding of how to best help patients and colleagues drastically changed—much like it did when I was first introduced to OralDNA® Labs in 2009. Research has long shown the strong connection between oral health and overall body health, especially through the control of oral bacterial biofilm. However, one challenging aspect is...
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Certificate Program for RDHs Earns Prestigious ANSI Accreditation

National Network of Healthcare Hygienists is the leading organization dedicated to offering accredited certificate programs to RDHs in specialty areas of medicine. Through its innovative programs and collaborative initiatives, NNHH is committed to making it easy for hygienists with specialized knowledge to share their expertise with each other, advancing the entire profession. NNHH also partners with individuals and organizations to fast-track offering accredited certificate programs to RDHs...
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Unveiling Our New and Improved OralDNA® Collection Kits!

At OralDNA® Labs, we are always looking for ways to enhance your experience by making our products more user-friendly and efficient. We're excited to announce the launch of our newly redesigned collection kits, designed to make your job easier and improve the collection process for your patients. We’ve simplified the collection instructions, ensuring a smoother, hassle-free experience — collecting a sample has never been easier! The patient label has been reimagined, offering more space f...
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Case Study: Periodontal Disease and Cardiovascular Disease

  Challenge: A new patient who has neglected dental care for 20 years with a chief complaint of broken teeth and bleeding gums appoints to address his dental concerns. Background: A 70-year-old male patient with broken teeth and bleeding gums appoints to our office. His last dental visit was estimated to be 20 years ago. Surprisingly the patient was not experiencing dental pain. The periodontal assessment revealed generalized 4-6 mm pockets with localized 7-9 mm pockets, inflamed ...
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Dr. Benavides: “Did We Overtreat: The Value of Proactive Intervention for the Periodontal Patient.”

Disambiguating between Plaque-Induced Gingivitis and Stage II Periodontitis is an easy diagnostic feat. The difficulty increases when we attempt to finalize a diagnosis between Gingivitis and Early-Onset Periodontitis. As a reminder, according to The American Academy of Periodontology, it takes 15% of radiographic bone loss (RBL) for our patients to land at Stage I Periodontitis. The goal of this article is to present you with two cases that could be interpreted as borderline. Our goa...
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Olympic Spirit: Achieving Gold in Healthcare

As the Olympic Games end, the world pauses to celebrate the victories and remarkable achievements of the globe’s finest athletes. The medals, the records shattered, and those unforgettable moments of triumph all deserve our admiration. However, beyond these glorious celebrations, we must also acknowledge the sheer courage it takes to try. Olympians weren’t born as perfect athletes; they started somewhere, faced countless obstacles, and transformed their failures into steppingstones toward gr...
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