Investing in Technologies that Help You While Helping Your Patients

I have been a dental hygienist for 12 years now; my back and neck pain started while I was in school. The assumption was that if you’re a dental professional, you will have neck and back pain. My first full time job out of school was taking over for a hygienist who had to retire after 20 years due to back problems caused from her profession. Every time I would go to the chiropractor, he would always remind me that dental professionals were one of his largest patient bases. That wasn’t very r...
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RDH Hero LLC: Ozonated Water

Ozonated water contains three oxygen molecules, making it a highly powerful natural disinfectant. There are a few ways Ozonated water can be made, but the safest and easiest method is with an electrolytic generator which runs electricity through regular tap water. Ozonated water kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses in seconds, and is highly oxidated, which makes it great for healing. It works about 3,000 times faster than other disinfectants. Ozonated water is safe for the environment because it ...
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