Why You? – Part Two

In part one, we covered the importance of defining your Unique Value Proposition (UVP) to set your practice apart in today’s competitive landscape. You learned that a strong UVP is more than a statement—it highlights the unique value your practice offers. In part two, we’ll focus on how to put that UVP into action, using practical strategies and tactics to ensure it drives your practice’s growth and success. Let’s say you like one of these previously mentioned as a UVP; communicating it e...
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Why You? – Part One

A UVP, or Unique Value Proposition, is the answer to the question a prospective patient asks: “Why should I go to your practice, rather than the other one around the corner?”  The same question might be asked by a current patient.  That question would be “Why should I stay with this practice, rather than go somewhere that might be more convenient, less expensive or takes my insurance?” The answer to these questions is the differentiating factors that set your practice apart from others.  ...
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The Time Is Now: Halftime

  “Timing is everything” was made popular by none other than the bard himself, William Shakespeare in “Julius Caesar.”  How apropos! Half the year is over.  Now is the perfect time to step back and reassess.  It’s also the perfect time to evaluate new opportunities. The issue of cognitive decline is front and center in the public’s eyes for obvious reasons.  I’m sure sales of Prevagen® have skyrocketed.  That’s why NOW is the time to discuss this with your patients and referral sour...
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Ethically Using the Principles of Influence: Persuading People to Move Towards Health and Wellness

Dr. Robert Cialdini first proposed 6 principles that govern how people make decisions in the 1984 Best Seller, “Influence.”  When I became aware of the science, I immediately began incorporating them into my practice.  Perhaps that’s why my treatment acceptance rate was double the national average of a pitiful 35%. Today, based on research, there are 7 principles, and I am now a “Certified Practitioner” and a founding member of the Cialdini Institute, just as I was a founding member and a...
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Do You Truly Believe in Prevention?

Most health professionals would say “of course.” But is “belief” enough? How does belief translate into action? Do you keep score? Let’s look at some of the more common preventive strategies. How does your practice rate? Here’s the scorecard: How does your practice perform? A score of less than 22-27 indicates that you have a great opportunity to improve the health of your patients and improve the bottom line of your practice. Why wouldn’t one minimally offer all of the...
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Becoming Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

We all need to start somewhere. Think of the first time you put a mirror and explorer into your hands- uncomfortable right? I am going to start with a few stories where I am certain you can relate, followed by a challenge to become comfortable when discussing HPV, a known risk for oral pharyngeal cancer. My son, like many children, was always trying to one-up us. Kids love to do that to their parents. When he was about 11, we were sitting at the dinner table, where we often discussed the ...
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STOP THE MADNESS by Dr. Michael Goldberg

There’s a saying, often attributed to Albert Einstein, whose essence is “if you keep on doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll keep on getting what you’ve been getting.” The point being that oftentimes, a singular action, all things being equal, will result in the same outcome. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR OUTCOMES? Are you tired of patients not appreciating you? Are you tired of patients not accepting your best care? Are you tired of people coming back with the same problems? A...
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Is A Medical Model Right for Your Practice? Part 2: Two Visit New Patient Appointments

Last week in Part 1, I introduced telehealth as an option to build value into your diagnosis and treatment plan. Since a one-visit new patient system presents some challenges, other than for patients who are very healthy, here is another option to consider. A two-visit new patient process similar to the medical model, especially for patients with more involved issues. This is the model most hygienists and dentists were taught in school. It’s only in private practice that the one-visit model ...
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Is A Medical Model Right for Your Practice? Part 1: Telehealth

When you go to a primary care physician for a routine examination, chances are you’ll get weighed, have your “vitals” (blood pressure, temp, pulse) taken, have your lungs and chest listened to, ears, nose and mouth explored. Perhaps they’ll take an EKG to monitor your heart. Lastly, they’ll ask you to provide a urine sample and have blood taken so some lab tests can be run. What happens afterwards? Since the results of your urinalysis and blood work take several days to get back, ther...
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What’s a “Hygiene Visit” Worth? With Dr. Michael Goldberg

Price becomes an objection when a patient does not perceive “meaningful value.” Without such a value-based context, people use money as a benchmark. Is your hygiene visit worth $39, $59, $99 or more? Or is it only worth it if the “insurance will cover it?” And now that the new hygienist you just hired is making 20% more than the previous one, how does that figure into the profitability of the practice? We are in complex times, made more intense by the pandemic-effect, which acceler...
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