The Time Is Now: Halftime

  “Timing is everything” was made popular by none other than the bard himself, William Shakespeare in “Julius Caesar.”  How apropos! Half the year is over.  Now is the perfect time to step back and reassess.  It’s also the perfect time to evaluate new opportunities. The issue of cognitive decline is front and center in the public’s eyes for obvious reasons.  I’m sure sales of Prevagen® have skyrocketed.  That’s why NOW is the time to discuss this with your patients and referral sour...
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Unlocking the Power of Oral Salivary Testing Through Patient Experiences

In the ever-evolving healthcare field, staying at the forefront of diagnostic innovations is paramount for medical practices. Oral salivary testing has emerged as a groundbreaking tool that can revolutionize the way doctors diagnose and treat patients. Empowering doctors and patients alike, oral salivary testing is a way to provide more personalized and effective care. Salivary testing has emerged as a powerful tool that Medicava recommends for providing valuable insights into patients' heal...
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Nobody Has Ever Done that Before

In this era of trying to differentiate yourself from the provider down the street, a simple solution is incorporating OralDNA® salivary testing services. Imagine a patient who has had periodontal disease and has seen several dentists and periodontists in the past. They may have been told they have pockets, but what do pockets mean to a patient? Perhaps a lot, but only if they have been properly educated about the consequences of a pocket deepening. Let’s look at this from another perspect...
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Interview with Functional Medicine, International Leader Pete Williams

Dr. McGlennen: You started incorporating OralDNA® testing services into your care in Spring 2018. Tell me how you were introduced to OralDNA® salivary diagnostics and why do you use the testing services. Pete Williams: We first became aware of the OralDNA® testing services at a Functional Medicine conference in the US. As a Functional Medicine practice, we are aware of how oral health can have a systemic effect on chronic disease and its management. We have been following the research ove...
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Ask Why? Medicine

  The balance between health and disease is delicate. When disease begins, restoring health may be a difficult journey. One strategy is to find the root cause(s) versus treating the symptoms of the disease. Defining the problem(s) and collecting the appropriate data will assist in identifying the cause. Prioritizing the cause(s), rather than the symptoms, will help implement necessary changes to re-establish health. It is easy to struggle with your health, especially when there is...
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Reduce Dental Benefit Hassles and Help Your Patients Say “YES”

  Wouldn’t it be great if you never had to deal with a denied claim again? One way to help prevent these hassles is by having more diagnostic information from the beginning! The quantitative results that you receive in a salivary diagnostics report gives you a measurable overview of a patient’s bacterial profile as well as risk level—both of which provide crucial evidence for your best chance at insurance coverage. (You’ll also have a great baseline from which you can assess the effi...
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AAOSH has been saving lives since 2010! Who is AAOSH?

The American Academy for Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH) began in 2010 with the primary goal of uniting dentistry and medicine in treating the body as a whole. Fast forward 10 years later, we are still focused on that original target and the paths have wonderfully broadened to not just dentistry, but all allied health fields - chiropractic, integrated medicine, naturopathic medicine, functional medicine, osteopathic medicine, advanced practice nursing, life science coaching, and so many more! ...
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COVID-19: A Primer for the Dental Professional Part 1

The pandemic caused by the virus, SARS-CoV-2, has descended upon us with a speed and seriousness unprecedented in our modern history. The virus causing the disease called COVID-19 has been revealed to be both stealthy as well as terribly dramatic. The virus and the disease have taken not only the health and lives of many in our country, but also, in the effort to stem the pandemic, our economy as well. As we look forward to an ebb in the number of newly afflicted persons, it is important to ...
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Finding the Root Cause of Disease – It’s All Connected

  The mouth is, and forever will be, part of the body. The traditional medical model is treating symptoms and body parts in isolation. A new approach called functional medicine is emerging. Functional medicine pioneers such as Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Mike Roisen, Dr. Josh Axe, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Amy Doneen, Dr. Brad Bale, and a host of others, are leading the charge. They do not ask questions like “What do we have?” but rather “Why do we have it?” They understand that body parts and o...
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Interview with Functional Medicine Leader, Pete Williams

  Dr. McGlennen: You started incorporating OralDNA® testing services into your care over a year ago in Spring 2018. Tell me how you were introduced to OralDNA® salivary diagnostics and why do you use the testing services. Pete Williams: We first became aware of the OralDNA® testing services at a Functional Medicine conference in the US. As a Functional Medicine practice, we are aware of how oral health can have a systemic effect on chronic disease and its management. We have been ...
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