Investing in Technologies that Help You While Helping Your Patients

I have been a dental hygienist for 12 years now; my back and neck pain started while I was in school. The assumption was that if you’re a dental professional, you will have neck and back pain. My first full time job out of school was taking over for a hygienist who had to retire after 20 years due to back problems caused from her profession. Every time I would go to the chiropractor, he would always remind me that dental professionals were one of his largest patient bases. That wasn’t very r...
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Diagnostic Dialogues with Dr. Neusha Najafi DDS

  Dr. McGlennen: Tell me how you were introduced to OralDNA® salivary diagnostics. Neusha Najafi DDS: Unfortunately, I was first introduced to OralDNA at a very low point in my life. I had just suffered a late term loss at 24 weeks pregnancy called PPROM. I was told that my condition was due to an infection that caused my membrane to rupture prematurely. Up until that point, I had had zero complications in my pregnancy. The doctors said the cause of the infection was unknown and th...
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The Blood Pressure Blueprint: THE Holistic Guide to Defeating Hypertension

STOP constantly worrying about your high blood pressure and feeling those pesky symptoms. NO LONGER fear that your hypertension will cause a heart attack, stroke or worse. REJOICE when your doctor says, “Your blood pressure is perfect!” The Blood Pressure Blueprint is your proven solution to achieve optimal blood pressure control. Dr. Ellie Campbell has devoted 30 years of clinical experience in conventional, holistic, and integrative medicine designing a program to help you achi...
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Saved by the Mouth is Here!

I’m excited to announce the release of my very first book, Saved by the Mouth! Sparked by my own medical experiences (I’ll tell you more about that in a second), I wrote Saved by the Mouth with the hope that it would be a necessary wake-up call about oral systemic health, push the boundaries of traditional dentistry and how dentists truly care for their patients, and encourage the public to be more proactive of not only their oral health, but their overall health. At the age of 14, I was ...
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The Dynamic Duo: Benefits of Combining Oral and Gut Probiotics

Keeping an eye on our oral and digestive health is crucial for sustaining a healthy lifestyle. Did you know that oral probiotics can have a big impact on your general well-being? They can! Scientists, medical professionals, and dentists alike are learning more about the advantages of taking probiotics for gut health. With their Probiotics Kit, StellaLife® offers you the ideal blend of intestinal and oral probiotics, enhancing your health from the inside out. We'll talk about the benefits of ...
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“Words of Inspiration” by Dr. John Kempton

In this time when everything is go, go, go, we all need inspiration to reset and continue the go, go, go. In this series, we have asked the experts from our Protocol Directory for their “Words of Inspiration.” Here is how Dr. John Kempton from LAUNCH Oral Systemic Health responded. Inspiration is not packaged; it is available unconditionally to all individuals in all professions and it comes in a multitude of genres. We require it to visualize our creativity and potential. In the end, are we ...
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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. In a recent survey of dentists done by the Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry, 71% had anxiety-related symptoms, 60% had depression-related symptoms, and 92% had symptoms of stress. Dentists working in the independent sector had more psychological symptoms compared with those in the public sector. Overall, 92% of the dentists were experiencing some form of psychological symptoms. We must bring awareness to these stat...
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