Master the Comprehensive Examination

There are so many dentists. How do you differentiate yourself from others? Let me quote the Google reviews that I am most proud of: My first visit consisted of the most comprehensive dental exam I have ever experienced. The absolute best dental exam I’ve ever had in my life…! The most comfortable and detailed dental visit I've ever had. Very detailed exam, never had that extensive an exam. The most thorough examination I have ever experienced. His examination wa...
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How do you speak Dementia/Brain Health and Periodontal Disease with your patients?

Dr. McGlennen: Concerning dementia and brain health, recent medical studies point to poor oral health, and high levels of the bacteria in our gums with the increased risk to develop Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia1-3. Specifically, there is now evidence of the oral pathogen, Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), present in brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid and it may be involved with the production of the abnormal proteins that are characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease4.  Additionally, the d...
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Raising Awareness: Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April marks Oral Cancer Awareness Month, serving as a vital reminder of the importance of early detection and prevention in combating oral cancer, a disease that affects millions worldwide. OralDNA® Labs offers the OraRisk® HPV test to aid in identifying individuals at risk. Oral cancer refers to cancer that develops in the mouth or throat tissues, potentially affecting various areas such as the lips, tongue, gums, inner lining of the cheeks, roof and floor of the mouth, as well as the to...
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Guided Biofilm Therapy and the Systemic Link

How many times have you asked your patients if their medical history has changed, and their response is, “It has changed, but it has nothing to do with dentistry”? How about the patient I saw last month for her prophy, who said “No” when I asked her for any changes in her medical history and she is wearing a hospital wrist band due to the heart condition she was just treated for? There is an abundance of evidence from scholarly articles linking oral health to systemic health.1 Its effect on one ...
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The Winning Team: The Healthcare Provider & The Clinical Laboratory

Decades, possibly even a century, of periodontal research have led to modern-day periodontology. This research supports identifying the bad guys; reducing their presence should lead to less or no disease. This simple equation has proven to be successful, yet there are still more questions to be asked and answers to be discovered. Before clinical laboratory testing, healthcare providers could only assume the presence of these culprits in periodontal disease. Today, however, we can confiden...
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A Dental Detective Story – When a 102% Surge in Bacterial Load After Scaling Unveils a Horizontal Transmission Tale

In the world of healthcare, understanding the root cause of health issues is paramount to providing effective treatment. This principle was put to the test in a fascinating case that highlighted the importance of considering both clinical and personal factors in patient care. The case involved an unexpected 102% increase in bacterial load within a patient's mouth, despite having undergone scaling, irrigation, and decontamination—a procedural-set known to significantly reduce bacterial load. ...
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Oral Health and Whole-Body Health: Using Testing to Address Cause and Effect with Dr. Ron McGlennen

You know that oral health can profoundly impact whole-body health. And your patients are becoming increasingly aware of this fact. You’re uniquely positioned to influence their oral care decisions. So, how do you expertly educate them about this vital connection? Join Ron McGlennen, MD, and Jocelyn Strand, ND, on Wednesday, April 10th, 2024, at 11am PT as they discuss evaluating oral health and addressing dental disorders from an integrative perspective. In this “fireside chat,” Dr. McGlennen...
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Empowering Patients: The Game-Changing Benefits of Alert 2™

While we’ve found the Alert 2™ test extremely useful for hygienists and dentists, in my experience I’ve found that ultimately the patient has the greatest benefit from the test results. Many patients may not fully grasp the impact of bacteria on their oral and systemic health or hold preconceived notions that may be at odds with their diagnosis. And while we can explain the role of bacteria and genetic influence on their diagnosis, the Alert 2 report from OralDNA® has been a game changer for...
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Six Mouth Infections You Need to Get Rid of if You Have Heart Disease (Condensed Version)

Address Oral Health to Prevent Heart Attacks, Strokes, and High Blood Pressure When you ask most people, “What can you do to treat heart disease?” they will say diet and exercise. But how many people mention mouth bacteria at the top of the list for turning around heart disease? Even medical doctors rarely mention this as a top contributor to heart disease. While diet and exercise are critical, don’t overlook the sinister bacteria lurking in the mouth that cause gum infections and send the he...
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Interview with Sharmane Soriano, RDH

  Dr. McGlennen: Tell me how you were introduced to OralDNA® salivary diagnostics. Sharmane Soriano, RDH: I was introduced to OralDNA salivary diagnostics through the dental office I worked at. Just graduating from the dental hygiene program, OralDNA was something I was not familiar with. The Alert 2™ report gave accurate data of the patient’s oral health as it tests the types of bacteria, the amounts of bacteria, and the patient’s genetic risk of acquiring periodontal disease. Afte...
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