Collaboration Cures 2023: We do what other conferences do and more!

AAPMD, AAOSH and IAOMT are partnering with Collaboration Cures 2023 for this expanding, groundbreaking conference that is being viewed as a watershed for practitioners and patients. Our three organizations were created to educate healthcare practitioners on unrecognized important topics in new ways. Each has had years of success growing in leadership, membership, and status.

AAPMD was created to recognize the role and importance of optimal airway physiology and sleep; AAOSH has dedicated its attention to the relationship between oral health and whole-body health; IAOMT has focused on the unrecognized role of toxic materials. All are dedicated to protect and restore health, development, performance, and function.

In the past few years, a growing body of evidence supports the belief that the epidemic of chronic diseases that is robbing us of our health, performance and quality of life all have common origins. The genesis of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, dementia, and even cancer, as well as learning, performance, and behavioral issues, have multiple common causes and take decades to develop. Our members are well aware that finding and treating imbalances before they are expressed as disease can bring about resolution and reversal. It has become clear that despite our successes, none of our groups have all the answers, but together we have many more.

The Collaboration Cures Conference was created to explore combining our traditional annual meetings in a way that holds interest to our individual members, our combined membership and new practitioners looking to offer more to their patients and practices.

In our efforts to break down barriers between disciplines, as an attendee you will have the freedom to attend any of the presentations at no additional cost. You will have access to an exhibit hall of 100 corporate partners offering products and services to serve your patients. Choose from a variety of workshops and breakout sessions.

We want you to do what you do better, learn what others do, and find collaborative partners to offer more complete care for more optimal outcomes.

Our joint program has created exciting and unique learning experiences. Our lead-off keynote is Dale Bredesen, researcher and author of The End of Alzheimer’s. His protocol has reversed Alzheimer’s in hundreds of patients by identifying root causes and treating them collaboratively. His protocol can also be used decades earlier for prevention. Every day, patients present with issues that go untreated and unrecognized, which will affect their health and function decades later.

If you are new to these topics, experienced, or a specialist or generalist practicing as a physician, dentist, hygienist, nurse, physical therapist, myofunctional therapist, or other health-care practitioner, then this conference is for you. Collaboration Cures 2023 is September 7-9, 2023 in Orlando, FL. Click here to register. We hope to see you there!

International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology
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