Identify & Destroy! Synergistic Pathogenic Biofilm Management

Synergy is the combined effect of two things being greater than either one independently. As a veteran of managing periodontal diseases, that is how I view salivary diagnostics and Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT).   With salivary diagnostics I can identify specific pathogens thriving in my patient’s biofilm, and through the process of GBT I am able to dismantle and destroy those pathogens.  This is synergy at its best. Quick review of pathogenic biofilm, then we can focus on GBT and salivary...
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Exchanging Spit and What Else?

Recently, I had a patient who presented with generalized gingivitis. Her husband was also recently diagnosed and treated for generalized chronic periodontitis. She asked the familiar question “How did I get gingivitis? I brush and floss every day.” These questions opened the door for an interesting discussion about her risk factors. She has two children under the age of 4 and she works full time as a nurse. Both of these contribute to her disrupted and inadequate sleep patterns. She is overw...
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