What’s the difference between the two OraRisk® HPV testing options offered by OralDNA® Labs?

One of the most commonly asked questions from patients and providers alike is  – “What’s the difference between the two OraRisk® HPV tests you offer?”  Simply answered: the main difference is the total number of HPV types tested. The OraRisk® HPV Complete Genotyping test option will analyze the oral rinse specimen for 51 different types of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), including high risk, low risk and unknown risk types. If the sample is positive for the presence of HPV, it will then ...
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Advancing Patient Care Through the Use of OraRisk® HPV Salivary Testing: An Interview with Camille Luke

Dr. McGlennen: Tell me how and why you utilize OralDNA® salivary diagnostics. Camille RDH: Currently we use the OraRisk® HPV test in 5 different dental practices.  Our team members use this test as part of our oral cancer screening process.  At a continuing education course, we were introduced to the correlation between HPV and oral cancer, and felt this would be an important service to provide for our patients, especially with the increased risk of developing oral cancer associated with ...
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