The Medical History Form and Salivary Diagnostics

A medical history form is a starting point to guide conversations and to make connections between oral health and overall health. Consider re-configuring your current medical history form to quickly be able to visualize oral systemic connections and/ or concerns. These 5 questions should be asked on your current health history form. 1) Has a parent, sibling or grandparent had a heart attack or stroke? Yes__ No__ 2) Has a parent, sibling or grandparent had diabetes? Yes__ No__ 3) Has a p...
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5 Medical Facts that Every Dentist Simply Must Know

5 Medical Facts that Every Dentist Simply MUST Know. . . There is a well-substantiated link between oral health and certain systemic diseases.1 Diseases can lower the body’s resistance to infection, making it more susceptible to developing or exacerbating periodontal disease. Pregnant women with periodontal disease tend to have earlier term babies and babies of lower birth weight.2 Rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s Syndrome and even Alzheimer’s can affect oral health.3 Recent ...
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