Dr. McGlennen: The oral microbiota changes when women become pregnant, and levels of periodontal pathogens increase1. During pregnancy, periodontal inflammation worsens, mostly due to increased levels of A.a., P.g., F.n., and P.i.2. Among these oral pathogens, there is a marked risk of infection of the maternal blood and the placenta, which leads to an increase in pre-term labor, lower birth weight and even the chance of fetal loss due specifically to the bacteria P.g. and F.n.3,4. Furth...
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How Do You Speak
How Do You Speak Testing? With Bianca Velayo DMD – Part 2

In this section, we dive into how the test results from OralDNA® Labs shaped the personalized treatment plans for Patient A and Patient B. By analyzing both genetic factors and bacterial profiles, we can better understand each patient’s unique risks and challenges. Let’s explore how these insights guided our approach to managing their periodontal disease and improving their overall health
Interpret results for the patient:
Turnaround time is 5 business days with a few days transit. My ...
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How Do You Speak Testing? With Bianca Velayo DMD – Part 1

Hypothetical Patient Bio:
Patient A (Husband): A 35-year-old male, non-smoker, generally healthy with no systemic conditions. The patient reported that his symptoms began approximately three years ago and progressively worsened despite regular brushing.
Patient B (Wife): A 32-year-old female, non-smoker, generally healthy with no systemic conditions. She is currently 18 weeks pregnant with her first child.
Periodontal Assessment:
Patient A: Probing depths: 5-8 mm in several sites...
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How do you speak Dementia/Brain Health and Periodontal Disease with your patients?

Dr. McGlennen: Concerning dementia and brain health, recent medical studies point to poor oral health, and high levels of the bacteria in our gums with the increased risk to develop Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia1-3. Specifically, there is now evidence of the oral pathogen, Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), present in brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid and it may be involved with the production of the abnormal proteins that are characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease4. Additionally, the d...
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How Do You Speak Joint/Musculoskeletal Health and Periodontal Disease To Your Patients?

Dr. McGlennen: Like periodontitis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory condition. But unlike periodontitis, where the genesis of the inflammation is the complex infections in the gingival sulcus, the cause of RA is unknown. Recent studies, however, provide insights that, in part, oral bacteria play a role in evoking an abnormal immune response that then leads to joint disease. In a recent meta-analysis of 21 separate studies, there was a significantly increased risk of period...
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How Do You Speak Testing? With Karina Diaz, BASDH, CRDH

Patient Bio: A new patient, female, age 41 appointed to your practice. Upon medical history review, she is currently not taking any medications, only nutritional supplements recommended by her dietician. Her family history revealed her father has cardiovascular disease and sister has Type 2 diabetes. Completing the periodontal assessment identified:
How would you introduce therapy including MyPerioPath® to this patient?
(Patient) we understand that the health of our mouths and the heal...
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How Do You Speak Testing? With Emily McCleary, RDH

Patient Bio: Your 54-year-old female patient of record has been absent from your practice for 5 years. At the last appointment in 2018, this patient was going through a divorce, and it was recommended that the patient receive periodontal therapy. Now, the patient is emotionally and physically ready to address any concerns as she is caretaker for her mother who has Alzheimer’s. She is taking medication for blood pressure and fluctuating hormones. She does express an occasional bout of brain fog.
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How Do You Speak Testing? With Kim Ramos RDH & Ali Carr RDH

Patient Bio: Your new female 39-year-old patient hasn’t been seen by a dentist since 2020. She was recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic with elevated blood pressure. With her medical doctor’s approval, she is attempting to control or reverse her pre-diabetes and lower her blood pressure with diet and lifestyle changes. Her medical doctor recommended she have a dental exam. She is interested in fixing her crowded maxillary anterior teeth.
Here are the findings of the periodontal assessment:
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How Do You Speak Testing? With Yemia White RDH

Patient Bio: Your new male patient, age 45, presents with the below findings. He has smoked 1 pack per day for the past 25 years. Upon medical history review you discover his blood pressure and cholesterol are being controlled by medication. He confides that his father passed away at age 53.
How would you introduce therapy including MyPerioPath® to this patient?
Mr. Smith, thank you for allowing us to collect pertinent information for your comprehensive oral health assessment. May I ...
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How Do You Speak Testing? with Judith Nwagwu RDH

Patient Bio: Your female patient, age 63, struggles as she enters the operatory. You have been seeing her for 4 years. Her wheezing and appearance of being out of breath are due to her new diagnosis of COPD. She is recently widowed.
How would you introduce therapy including Alert 2™ testing to this patient? Welcome to our office where we are big advocates of the Mouth Body Connection™. We are not just here for your teeth and gums, but also your overall health and wellness. We would love to h...
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