Pure Perio Summit

Learn how to cure gum disease! Pure Perio Summit is an oral health course that focuses on total body health by treating periodontal disease. Pure Perio’s core concept involves understanding the microbiological causes of periodontal disease utilizing the salivary diagnostic tests of OralDNA® Labs. By attending the course, you will learn the science behind periodontal disease and total body health from research-based sources. After understanding the science, you will be taught an oral health p...
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The Digital and Integrative Demand of Millennials

Healthcare engagement is experiencing an evolution. Why? Because millennials, born roughly between 1981 and 1996, have surpassed baby boomers as the largest adult generation. This generation has been a significant force in shaping healthcare needs. How so? Consider a few factors: Digital health: Millennials are the first generation to grow up with the internet, smartphones, and other digital technologies. They are more likely to use health apps, wearable technology, and telehealth servi...
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Interview with Ziv Simon DMD MSc

Dr. McGlennen: Tell me how you were introduced to OralDNA® salivary diagnostics. Ziv Simon DMD MSc: I am a periodontist and implant specialist in Beverly Hills where I have practiced for the past 20 years (our practice has been in this location for 42 years!). When I started, we were already doing bacterial testing using paper points inserted into the pockets. These were then sent to a lab for aerobic and anaerobic cultures. Although that system worked, the testing process was inconsisten...
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STOP THE MADNESS by Dr. Michael Goldberg

There’s a saying, often attributed to Albert Einstein, whose essence is “if you keep on doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll keep on getting what you’ve been getting.” The point being that oftentimes, a singular action, all things being equal, will result in the same outcome. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR OUTCOMES? Are you tired of patients not appreciating you? Are you tired of patients not accepting your best care? Are you tired of people coming back with the same problems? A...
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How Do You Speak Testing? with Judith Nwagwu RDH

Patient Bio: Your female patient, age 63, struggles as she enters the operatory. You have been seeing her for 4 years. Her wheezing and appearance of being out of breath are due to her new diagnosis of COPD. She is recently widowed. How would you introduce therapy including Alert 2™ testing to this patient?  Welcome to our office where we are big advocates of the Mouth Body Connection™. We are not just here for your teeth and gums, but also your overall health and wellness. We would love to h...
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The Oral Systemic Connection: A Risk Reduction Approach

I have greatly enjoyed being a dental hygienist for over 30 years. Something that still fascinates me is the oral health and whole-body health connections. As a constant student, I have studied bidirectional and causal relationships amongst oral pathogens and a host of chronic diseases. In fact, over two decades ago, the surgeon general spoke about periodontal disease effects, and we now know there are established associations to 57 adverse health conditions, associated with periodontal dise...
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Oral Hygiene and Cognition By: Ram Rao, PhD

A nice, friendly smile is visually attractive and is also a sign of good oral hygiene practice and cognitive health. Numerous studies have found a close connection between poor oral hygiene and dementia. Studies have found that those with poor oral hygiene practices are at higher risk for dementia, and dementia patients are at higher risk for developing gum disease. Poor oral hygiene and inadequate nutrition are likely the primary drivers for the risk of gum disease in dementia patients, par...
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Words of Wisdom with Kary Helmer RDA

Every patient is different. Overcoming a patient’s obstacles to treatment may take some finesse. The diagnosis and treatment plan are typically the easier task. In this series, we have asked the experts from our Protocol Directory, to share their insight. When we asked Kary Helmer from Growth Mindset Dental Consultants to respond to “I hate the dentist,” here is her approach. We are all accustomed to hearing the dreadful words “I hate being here, or I hate coming to the dentist” in dai...
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Is A Medical Model Right for Your Practice? Part 2: Two Visit New Patient Appointments

Last week in Part 1, I introduced telehealth as an option to build value into your diagnosis and treatment plan. Since a one-visit new patient system presents some challenges, other than for patients who are very healthy, here is another option to consider. A two-visit new patient process similar to the medical model, especially for patients with more involved issues. This is the model most hygienists and dentists were taught in school. It’s only in private practice that the one-visit model ...
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Is A Medical Model Right for Your Practice? Part 1: Telehealth

When you go to a primary care physician for a routine examination, chances are you’ll get weighed, have your “vitals” (blood pressure, temp, pulse) taken, have your lungs and chest listened to, ears, nose and mouth explored. Perhaps they’ll take an EKG to monitor your heart. Lastly, they’ll ask you to provide a urine sample and have blood taken so some lab tests can be run. What happens afterwards? Since the results of your urinalysis and blood work take several days to get back, ther...
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